Giving Opportunities

Giving Opportunities —
Lakeview Ministries

General Operating Fund — Gifts to the general operating will go toward sustaining the ongoing program. Each year, only about three-fourths of our operating expenses are paid through registration fees, item sales, or rental income. The rest is provided by donations from a variety of supporters. Your gifts make it possible for us to continue to offer a quality Christian camping experience at a reasonable price.

“Let the Children Come” Capital Campaign — The Let the Children Come Capital Campaign seeks to raise the $2.5 million necessary to build an additional camp site on adjacent property. The new site, called Lakeview Villages, will enable us to meet the current demand to attend Camp Lakeview summer programs (we are currently turning away hundreds each summer) and will provide opportunities for future growth.

General Campership Fund — Since we do not want to see finances get in the way of a child’s camping experience, the camp’s Board of Directors places a substantial amount in a “Campership Fund” each year to provide assistance to needy families. In the past few years, our requests for financial aid have exceeded the amount set aside by the Board. So, we need others to give to this fund as well. All gifts to this fund will be used to offset the registration fees of children from needy families. (Large campership gifts might be better placed in one of the Foundation’s campership funds listed below so that the impact will be spread out over more years.)

Designated Gifts — Gifts to Lakeview Ministries may be designated to a specific project or equipment item, such as a new roof or new devotional songbooks. However, if these gifts do not fulfill an immediate need or do not fit into our mission and strategic plan, we reserve the right to return the gift or not accept it in the first place.

Giving Opportunities —
Camp Lakeview Foundation

Unrestricted Fund — Gifts made to the Camp Lakeview Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund will be set aside, with the interest from these funds being disbursed at the discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors for improvements, maintenance, expansion, or equipment. Monies from this fund will not be used for general camp operating expenses.

Building Maintenance Endowment — Since 1997, the camp has constructed many new facilities. The endowment will help to maintain the level of quality of these buildings. Administered by the Foundation, gifts to the Building Maintenance Endowment will be kept intact, with interest going annually to the camp’s operating fund to offset the growing cost of maintaining the existing facilities.

Growth Fund — Contributions to the Foundation’s Growth Fund and any associated interest will be used only for major improvements, land acquisition, or emergency purposes. This fund is set up for those who would rather give to capital improvements than general operation expenses and is best used when there is not an ongoing capital campaign. The fund allows a giver to contribute toward future building projects yet to be determined.

The Arthur Ruemmele Memorial Campership Endowment Fund and the Jim Schneider Memorial Campership Endowment Fund — Each of these funds was established through gifts given in memory of someone who had Camp Lakeview deep in their heart, Arthur and Jim. Each fund provides the resources for two or more complete camperships each year, providing assistance far beyond what the camp’s general campership fund can provide. Anyone can add to either of these funds at any time.

Make a gift or pledge now